When I read that first clear line that told me my life was going to change forever, Jesse and I were excited and apprehensive. We were right to feel both.
Two children, a house, a cat, and many schedule changes later, we're well pleased... but we hardly have time to talk about such things. Over the last five or so years, Jesse and I have basically been flying at break-neck speeds, dodging bills and managing usual family needs. From birthday planning to clothing needs, work deadlines to school payments, we've teamed up pretty well... but where's 'us?'
Since moving to Tewksbury, Jesse and I have become more involved in our parish. We were always involved in our faith, but now we're connecting with people who live nearby and that we see weekly, not yearly. I'm teaching Religious Ed, we're building a youth ministry, and we're participating in Marriage Prep.
They may be small moments, and it may have taken five years to get to a point where we can do these things, but it's been more than worth it. Oh, and it's not about getting away from the kids. We've enjoyed those lit'uns all the while. We especially loving them now that they're able to do so much more, yet not too old to want to be only with their friends. Somehow, through teamwork and solid management, we've made this little family life work. And when I wonder how we'll somehow manage in the future, I realize one thing: Somehow=God.