
It's been a long, long time since I've been sucked into a book. Harry Potter long. While Hunger Games has sparked my imagination again, and my adventurous side, I'm still withholding though, still keeping a safe distance, though I've played with the idea of going back. I have no idea what that would mean, nearly a year wasted in reprogramming my thinking. I've decided to press on until... I have, again, no idea what.

Meanwhile, I'm packing our camping gear (and work gear) for Creationfest 2012. This time we're taking the kids and our very own trailer. I'm excited on multiple levels about this. For one... Our Very Own Trailer!!! Childhood memories just come flooding through, along with the once fantasized idea that I'd grow up and have camping experiences in a family trailer with my husband and children someday. Now it's true! Also, we never have to rent or rely on another trailer from someone else. And, not that I'm against tents, actually I love them too, but you can keep camping equipment in the trailer full time, thereby avoiding reshuffling it all into the attic again. But our camping gear isn't limited to mere dust pans and bug spray, dishes and battery-operated fans. No we're the crazy people that like to work on vacation... on stage.

We have gear bags full of climbing harnesses, work gloves, webbing, variously sized carabiners, rope, belt loops and pouches, multi-tools, and few random items I can't fully explain like a toothbrush or an empty Listerine tab container. Thankfully I just participated in a yard sale and emptied out 4 plastic tubs of clothing, toys, and other baby items which have long lost their usefulness. Let me reiterate: I spent $30 to buy in, made $29.75, and sent 4 bins worth to Salvation Army as donations. So for all my time and effort, I spent 25 cents for 4 empty tubs. I was so glad to have the seasonal pool in our backyard because it was hot, and I'm sunburned (even though I was entirely in the shade the whole time, go figure), and I needed a dip to unwind.

The kids are still with my in-laws until tonight and Jess is napping before he starts fixing the trailer. He taught a class after his shift last night so he's overdue for sleep, as usual. I'm to get as much camping stuff packed as possible since we leave in 2 weeks and there's little time in between for that. I'm a neurotic list person, so I'm off to finish a list and check it at least 18 times before feeling satisfied. Jess should be up by then.

In the back of my mind I still wonder, what is this all working towards... I can't help but wonder...

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