Getting Started, at the least

Getting started is always the hardest. That goes for blogs, chapters, emails, any posts, any jobs, and projects, anything. I started cutting hearts with my daughter the other day to make valentines for today. She succeeded in putting together an amazing birthday card for my dad, Papa. As a matter of fact, I'm receiving some of her 'artwork' now (torn pink, colored-on paper). She's slung two pink bags over her shoulder and is going on some imaginary trip. Oh to be young again when acted-out imaginations were part of everyday living! See that, I've completely digressed.

Okay, my 'tickets' have been recollected... now for my thoughts. I spent some time at mama's yesterday for lunch and to clean-up downstairs before Saturday's party. Vacuumed my butt off and rearranged some furniture to make a nice area for hanging out and playing Play Station or Wii. I even found a lost puzzle piece and glued it place since the completed, back-boarded puzzles were out and accessible. It was one of those 'someday' things that happened to happen... Totally rare! Feeling perhaps just as accomplished for that little feat as I did for the back-breaking stuff, I went upstairs and did a little housework for mama too. Sometimes Jess and I have so little time and too many wrenches in life to make things we plan actually happen. We still have a basement full of 'stuff' which hasn't been unpacked. I'm thinking we'd better do this before the big meltdown... just in case. Haven't had a rainy season in the Shack yet so...

In other news I've been working to a close in yet another 'chapter' which will please one friend out there. It's not remotely what I like, expected, wanted, or what fits best in the grand scheme of things. I have learned a few things from the characters and found multiple continuity errors in the verse... again. *SIGH* Yup, one step forward, eight steps back. Or is that 50-something pages more, 100-something pages to reread? AHCK! Whatev, right? Not like I have a deadline; it's just a sanity thing, something the BFF will never understand. If only I had more than an hour or two every other night, or someone to actually bounce ideas off of, or some semblance of sense... yeah, whatev.

That's been my best accomplishment by far lately: letting go, dealing, moving on. As I type, I've just had one of those moments. Bekah almost lost the whole post thus far by banging a pen against the keyboard, not that she should've had a pen... which is all over VJ's face now... *sigh* yup. Whatev. We have bigger problems, like getting charged on our checking account a large amount which was to have been canceled, but wasn't. Our oil bill from last month is still hanging on the dry-erase board in the kitchen, unpaid. The in-box on  my desk is quite full. The what-do-you-want-to-do-with-these pile on Jesse's bureau is thick, but when does he have time to look at it? Oh and more Shack fun: we have mice! What fun! Jess found a chewed up spatula in the drawer. Add it to the list.

Hey, we're healthy, aside the lingering colds, eczema, sores, etc. We're in a home. We're blessed with wonderful children, ahem... "VJ, What!?!" Hmm, too quiet in the bedroom... We've got four grandparents for the lit'uns, which neither of us had. We have full time, dependable jobs. We have the Lord, which is more than enough. We are rich; I know that, and that's a start.

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